Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tuesday Tidings

On a warm partly sunny Tuesday, here are some things going on:

From National Review, according to a poll, Republican support for same-sex marriage has greatly decreased during the past two years.

From FrontpageMag, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's double standards.

From Townhall, the gag order imposed on former President Trump is partially lifted.

From The Washington Free Beacon, with help from Senator Socialism (I-VT) and congresscritter AOC (D-NY), congresscritter Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) campaigns in the South Bronx, which is not even in his district.

From the Washington Examiner, "I'm melting!"

From The Federalist, the corporate media vilify Judge Aileen Cannon for doing her job.

From American Thinker, an article from the Associated Press about infant mortality in Texas inspires science denial.

From MRCTV, many notable people celebrate the plea deal given to Australian journalist Julian Assange and his resulting freedom.

From NewsBusters, according to MSNBC analyst Eugene Robinson, President Biden will have a "massive victory" if he can "remain upright" during his upcoming debate with Trump.

From Canada Free Press, Biden's contempt for American liberty is exposed by his smirk.

From TeleSUR, police officers from Kenya arrive in Haiti and generate controversy.

From TCW Defending Freedom, when it comes to Russia, one author would rather listen to former europarliamentcritter Nigel Farage than to former U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

From EuroNews, according to Slovak State Secretary of the Defence Ministry Igor Melicher, two officials of the previous government broke the law by donating MiG29 fighter jets to Ukraine.

From Voice Of Europe, French President Emmanuel Macron sparks outrage by talking about a possible "civil war".  (If you read French, read the story at Le Figaro.)

From ReMix, while visiting China, Polish President Andrzej Duda presents Chinese President Xi Jinping a proposal for ending Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

From Balkan Insight, an Albanian appeals court upholds the vote-buying conviction of Himara mayor-elect Fredi Beleri, an ethnic Greek.

From The North Africa Post, the U.N. is urged to send international observers to monitor human rights in the Tindouf camps in Algeria.

From The New Arab, Hamas denies reports that its political bureau is relocating to Iraq.

From The Jerusalem Post, a 12-year-old rape victim was reportedly told to convert to Islam by her attackers.

From Arutz Sheva, a report from the terrorist rally outside a synagogue in Los Angeles.  (AS was experiencing some technical difficulties a while back, but the site is now working again.)

From Gatestone Institute, the White House worries about the upcoming speech by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.

From The Stream, Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs releases a historical docudrama in time for Independence Day.

From The Daily Signal, according to his speechwriter, today's conservatives get some things wrong about President Ronald Reagan.

From The American Conservative, the U.S. has become even more like the old Soviet Union than conservative commentator Niall Ferguson thinks.

From The Western Journal, CNN offers an unconvincing statement after booting Trump spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt from the air.

From BizPac Review, comedian Adam Carolla decides to leave California, "pile of [bleep]" Governor Gavin Newsom (D).

From The Daily Wire, a new database tracks the "Bidenvasion crime wave".

From the Daily Caller, Biden aides are reportedly training him on how to "trigger" Trump during their debate.

From the New York Post, the House Oversight Committee demands that the group behind anti-Israel encampments reveals the source of its funding.

From Breitbart, the aforementioned Nigel Farage wins the Television and Radio Industries Club's best news presenter award for the second straight year.

From Newsmax, as noted in an op-ed from The New York Times, not even one of the Fortune 100 CEOs has donated any money to Trump's campaign.

And from the Genesius Times, a Colorado-based illegal immigration advocate gets angry when someone cuts in line at a Starbucks.

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