Thursday, June 20, 2024

Links For The Summer Solstice

As the sun reaches its farthest point away from east and west, here are some things going on:

From National Review, our deficit disaster gets even worse.

From FrontpageMag, there are more police officers protecting the anti-police mayor of Chicago than protecting the people of Chicago.

From Townhall, the Department of Justice leaves out one inconvenient detail about the person who carried out the mass shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

From The Washington Free Beacon, Mexican drug cartel members harass Native Americans 40 miles from the Canadian border.

From the Washington Examiner, according to a poll, Latino voters in swing states now trust former President Trump more than President Biden on immigration.

From The Federalist, "pride" parades are really humiliation rituals.

From American Thinker, the 2024 election is Trump's for the taking.....or is it?

From MRCTV, the Biden administration's $43 million plan to expand internet access has increased the number of internet users by (drum roll, please) zero.

From NewsBusters, seven federal agencies are exposed for pressuring "Big Tech" to censor Americans.

From Canada Free Press, the second largest bank in the U.S. allegedly targets pro-life advocates.

From TeleSUR, Venezuelan presidential candidates agree to respect the results of the upcoming election.

From TCW Defending Freedom, the U.K. Parliament's "legion of the damned".

From EuroNews, soon-to-be-former Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte is set to become NATO's next Secretary General after garnering the support of Romania.

From Voice Of Europe, Poland takes action after its first death from fentanyl poisoning.

From ReMix, police arrive at birthday party in Cochem, Germany find that attendees who chanted "foreigners out, Germany for the Germans" were themselves foreigners.

From Balkan Insight, a bomb explosion in Cetinje, Montenegro takes the lives of two alleged drug gang members.  (It looks like wars between rival drug-pushing organizations aren't just for Mexicans any more.)

From The North Africa Post, King Mohammed VI urges the Moroccan government to use the results of the upcoming census as a structuring tool for national and local policies.

From The New Arab, according to the Syrian Network for Human Rights, forces from the Syrian government have detained 4,714 returning refugees.

From The Jerusalem Post, cholera breaks out in Somalia.

From Gatestone Institute, "do not buy from Jews" returns to Europe.

From The Stream, the Italian Supreme Court rules against a Reform Baptist church in Rome over the definition of "worship space".

From The Daily Signal, the effort by Democrats to subvert democracy.

From The American Conservative, the Biden administration does not have any definition of victory for Ukraine.

From The Western Journal, the Trump campaign reminds Vice President Harris of why she is disliked.

From BizPac Review, climate nutjobs make the stupid mistake of vandalizing private jets with paint.

From The Daily Wire, Biden orders federal agencies to signs all over the country which praise him.

From the Daily Caller, a judge is arrested at a night club in Atlanta for allegedly striking a police officer in the head.

From the New York Post, a 100-year-old woman who welded guns onto ships during World War II keeps fit with a "crazy" workout.

From Breitbart, prosecutor Nathan Wade is grilled over his relationship with Fulton County, Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis.

From Newsmax, according to congresscritter Mike Turner (R-OH), Russia nukes deployed in space threaten the world.

And from BBC News, Canadian actor Donald Sunderland goes to the movie screen in the sky.

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