Sunday, June 23, 2024

A Sasquatch's Dozen For Sunday

As the high temperatures continue but the clouds return, here are 12 things going on:

From The Jerusalem Post, two planes that were supposed to fly from Lithuania to either Sri Lanka or the Philippines instead land in Iran.

From Jewish News Syndicate, parts of the "humanitarian pier" built for bringing aid into Gaza wash up at a beach in Tel Aviv, Israel.

From Allah's Willing Executioners, a man shouts "Allahu akbar" and beats up people in a church in Bourg-en-Bresse, France.  (If you read French, read the story at Le Progrès and FDeSouche.)

From Gatestone Institute, the Palestinian plan for "the day after" in Gaza was to kill more Jews and to wipe Israel off the map.

From The Stream, a review of the latest book from Victor Davis Hanson.

From The American Conservative, the war on terror, launched by then-President George Bush the Younger, has been hamstringing U.S. foreign policies ever since.

From TCW Defending Freedom, the unforgivably ignorance behind "net zero" policies.

From American Thinker, the fact-checking site Snopes finally gets around to fact-checking the "very fine people" false accusation against then-President Trump.

From The Washington Free Beacon, a review of a book about the late Senator (D-Min)/Vice President Hubert Humphrey.

From Townhall, why pro-abortion Democrats are trying to overhaul a 150-year-old law.

From the New York Post, an Arab family allegedly attacks a Jewish couple at an elementary school's fifth grade graduation ceremony in Brooklyn, New York.  (via National Review)

And from Voice Of Europe, the two Koreas might take sides in the war between Russia and Ukraine.

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