Sunday, June 2, 2024

A Sasquatch's Sunday Dozen

On a warn partly sunny Sunday, here are 12 things going on:

From FrontpageMag, a teacher runs for a position on the executive board of his union, and is rejected for the seat because he's white.

From Townhall, former President Trump's "revenge" strategy will make Democrats sorry that they ever persecuted him.

From The Washington Free Beacon, a review of a book about why "kids aren't growing up".

From the Washington Examiner, Trump is "OK" with the prospect of being jailed or put under house arrest, but thinks that his supporters won't be.

From American Thinker, pro-Hamas protesters block a Pride parade in Philadelphia.

From NewsBusters, ABC host (and former Mr. Bill henchman) George Stephanopoulos tries to grill Trump defense lawyer Will Scharf and fails.

From TCW Defending Freedom, a "bravo" for columnist Charles Moore of The Telegraph, who dares to criticize the left-wing bishops of the Church of England.

From The Jerusalem Post, how Ayatollah Khomeini shaped modern Iran.

From Gatestone Institute, the Israeli heroes of our time.

From The Stream, something to celebrate other than "pride".

From BizPac Review, former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen claims that Trump would give away secrets if he goes to prison.

And from The American Conservative, China can keep its pandas.

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