Friday, June 7, 2024

Friday Fuss

On a warm and sunny Friday, here are some things going on:

From National Review, the Florida Supreme Court upholds Governor Ron DeSantis's (R) suspension of a left-wing prosecutor.

From FrontpageMag, as then-candidate Biden once said, "you ain't black".

From Townhall, the myth that President Biden had nothing to do with the lawfare against former President Trump.

From The Washington Free Beacon, Jewish students sue UCLA for allowing anti-Israel protesters to construct a "Jew exclusion zone" on campus.  (In other words, an area within the campus was made Judenrein.)

From the Washington Examiner, 10 U.S. congresscritters jump from a plane to honor the veterans of D-Day.

From The Federalist, a doctor in Texas goes on trial for blowing the whistle over transgender procedures done on children.

From American Thinker, First Son Hunter Biden takes a cue from Mr. Bill.

From MRCTV, Polish troops defend their border.

From NewsBusters, James Carville, onetime henchman to the aforementioned Mr. Bill, tells the media to "[bleep] objectivity.

From Canada Free Press, the insane brainwashing of pre-K children.

From TeleSUR, according to a WHO spokesman, the Mexican patient who tested positive for the bird flu did not die from it.

From TCW Defending Freedom, some junk data from the climate fearmongers.

From Voice Of Europe, Irish voters grapple with immigration and housing issues.

From ReMix, Polish soldiers are arrested for firing their guns into the air in an effort to deter migrants from illegally entering Poland.  (Why would Polish soldiers resort to such a thing?)

From Balkan Insight, the party GERB takes a strong lead as Bulgarians vote in both national and E.U. elections.

From the Sarajevo Times, Bosnia and Hercegovina signs an agreement to join the E.U.'s digital Europe program.

From Total Croatia News, the futuristic fortresses of Šibenik, Croatia.  (My 2007 trip to Croatia included a stop in Šibenik.)

From The Slovenia Times, the left-right split in Slovenia's E.U. vote is still a toss-up.

From The Malta Independent, Malta's Federation for Hunting and Conservation releases 14 barn owls into the wild.

From Malta Today, Malta commemorates the victims of the Sette Giugno riots on their 100th anniversary.

From ANSA, Italians have gotten heavier.

From EuroNews, who is Italian political candidate General Roberto Vannacci?

From SwissInfo, Switzerland's glaciers are still under threat despite last winter's large snowfall.

From France24, a live blog on France and Ukraine.

From RFI, remembering the heavy toll that D-Day inflicted on French civilians.

From The Portugal News, private hospitals in Portugal and Spain need more doctors.

From The North Africa Post, Tunisian President Kais Saied seems to lean toward Iran.

From The New Arab, Iraqi police rescue a Yazidi woman kidnapped by ISIS 10 years ago.

From The Jewish Chronicle, anti-Israel protesters vandalize a flower stall in the London section of Kentish Town.

From Arutz Sheva, pro-Hamas protesters praise the murder of Jews and say nothing about the murder of Christians.

From The Stream, something to read before celebrating Pride Month.

From The Daily Signal, get ready for the next round of censorship.

From The American Conservative, why does American foolishness happen in Ukraine?

From The Western Journal, Trump's conviction seems to have backfired on Biden.

From BizPac Review, critics shred Biden's executive border order for having "truck"-size loopholes.

From The Daily Wire, congresscritter Byron Donalds (R-FL) reacts to the possibility that he could become Trump's vice presidential running mate.

From the Daily Caller, workers rushed to take up part-time jobs in May.

From Breitbart, Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak decides that he has had enough for one lifetime.

From WGME, a 104-year-old woman is still catching lobsters off the coast of Maine.  (via Breitbart)

From Newsmax, according to a poll, 51 percent of Americans think that it's "morally wrong" to change gender.  (This might depend on what is meant by "changing gender".  In some cases, a man puts on a dress or other female garb and "identifies" as a woman, without doing anything to his body.  This can be seen as a form of lying, which would be morally wrong.  In other cases, someone undergoes surgery in which their original genitals are removed and a facsimile of the opposite type attached.  Such a person now has the form of the opposite of his or her birth gender, but not the function.)

And from the New York Post, if you've got $55 million lying around, you can buy a ranch in Aspen, Colorado, complete with animals.

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