Sunday, June 9, 2024

A Few Things For Sunday

On a warm and sunny Sunday, here are a few things going on:

From The Times Of Israel, pro-terrorist protesters hold an anti-Israel rally in Washington, D.C.

From Arutz Sheva, recently rescued Israel hostages recall being forced to read from the Koran.

From Israel Hayom, Israeli hostage Noa Argamani was reportedly held in the house of an Al-Jazeera cameraman.

From ABC News, nine people are killed when suspected terrorists fire at a bus carrying Hindu pilgrims in the Indian territory of Kashmir, which then falls into a gorge.  (The article uses the euphemism "militants".  I don't.  If you fire on presumably unarmed religious pilgrims, you're a terrorist.)

From Jewish News Syndicate, Israel's rescue of its hostages discredits the notion of appeasement.  (These first five stories come via The Religion Of Peace.)

From Gatestone Institute, why is the left in love with an ideology with roots in Nazism and based on antisemitism, sexism, homophobia and denial of human rights?

From The Stream, some lighthearted mirth might cure our crankiness.

From The American Conservative, former europarliamentcritter Nigel Farage has reanimated the U.K.'s politics.

From TCW Defending Freedom, when the news was fun, wheels of the week, and a pig of the week.

From American Thinker, Politico commits an act of journalism by reporting on the Biden family syndicate, which evokes a response worthy of Sergeant Schultz.

From NewsBusters, how TV news channels botched Mr. Bill's 1996 "Filegate" scandal.  (Sadly, while incompetence had in earlier times been justification for impeachment or firing, during "Filegate", incompetence became a defense.)

From the Washington Examiner, according to South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem (R), former President Trump choosing a female running mate would be "beneficial".

From The Washington Free Beacon, a review of a book about the U.S. Constitution.

From Townhall, the son of a Hamas founder has a warning for those who sympathize with them.

From FrontpageMag, more on the aforementioned anti-Israel (and pro-Hamas) rally in D.C.

And from National Review, notes on Ukraine and Russia, and other matters.

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