Tuesday, June 18, 2024

A Few Late Things For Tuesday

As I return home after a busy Tuesday, here are a few things going on:

From FrontpageMag, how the conflict in Gaza could end.

From Townhall, President Biden has another brain fart while announcing an amnesty plan for illegal aliens.

From The Washington Free Beacon, Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) claims to be "standing up to big pharma" while leading the Senate in receiving cash from that industry.

From The Federalist, six more state block Biden's "egregious" rewrite of Title IX.

From American Thinker, Israel is the only country of whom "proportionality" is expected.

From NewsBusters, PBS cheers the on-campus pro-HamasPalestinian protests.

From TCW Defending Freedom, the myth of Europe's "far right surge".

From TheSun, at least 138 pilgrims from Indonesia die while attending the Hajj in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

From The Jerusalem Post, a London security organization shares footage of an alleged attempt to kidnap Jewish children.

From Gatestone Institute, Israel gave work permits to Palestinians, while Palestinians planned the October 7th massacre.

From The Stream, some insights from a former radical Muslim, who is now a devout Jew.

From The Daily Signal, more on Biden's amnesty plan for illegal aliens.

From The American Conservative, NATO and Russia must make a nuclear deal.

And from Billboard, happy birthday to the musician known as Sir Paul.  (We should celebrate with the appropriate song.)

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