Saturday, June 1, 2024

A Few Saturday Links For The Start Of June

On a warm sunny Saturday at the beginning of June, here are some things going on:

From National Review, congresscritter Dean Phillips (D-Min) calls on New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D) to pardon former President Trump.  (Does she, or governors in general, have that particular authority?)

From FrontpageMag, in a free country, no one is obligated to "respect" verdicts.  (When it comes to respecting verdicts, Rodney King is unavailable for comment.  Perhaps George Zimmerman and/or Kyle Rittenhouse might wish to weigh in.)

From Townhall, here's one court decision that President Biden does not appear to respect.

From the Washington Examiner, Democracy is indeed on the ballot - in Mexico.

From American Thinker, according to a new book, X-rays from the autopsy of President Kennedy prove that the federal government knew that Oswald didn't act alone.

From NewsBusters, the liberal media's selective appreciation of threats to democracy.

From Canada Free Press, it's time to pass the bananas.

From TeleSUR, Chilean President Gabriel Boric announces that he will introduce a free abortion law.

From TCW Defending Freedom, U.K. Tories defect from their party, lured by a bag of cheese and onion.

From Snouts in the Trough, the nutjobs who want "open borders".

From Allah's Willing Executioners, two high school students, one of whom was known for "Islamic radicalization" are suspected of making a bomb threat in Noisy-le-Sec, France.  (If you read French, read the story at FDeSouche and Le Parisien.)

From The Times Of Israel, pro-HamasPalestinian protesters occupy a museum in Brooklyn, New York.

From The Jerusalem Post, why do students support groups like Hamas and Boko Haram?

From Gatestone Institute, the U.S. and U.N. dangerously flirt with Iran.

From The Stream, Downey, California backs down from requiring all its government buildings to fly the "pride" flag.

From The Daily Signal, Trump promises to keep on fighting.

From The American Conservative, the Pittsburgh Pirates have a pitcher in Paul Skenes.

From The Western Journal, WNBA rookie Caitlin Clark gets hit by a cheap shot.

And from Fox News, large numbers of illegal aliens from China, Jordan and Turkey are caught at the southern U.S. border.

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