Monday, September 23, 2024

Traveling On The Solstice

It took me just about all day, as in the first day of fall, to get out to my latest undisclosed location, here in Arizona.  In fact, it's already Monday back home.

I thought that I was supposed to fly from Washington Dulles Airport to Phoenix by way of Houston, but instead I got routed through Denver.  This meant a long flight for the first leg and a shorter second leg.  I got booked into a middle seat both times.  On the first flight, I traded places with a woman, who also had a middle seat, so that she could sit with her husband.  You'd think that the airlines would put a married couple together, but not this time.

The highway department of Arizona decided that it would be cool to merge three lanes of Interstate 17 into one, thus creating a traffic jam north of the Phoenix area.  But in any event, I found my way here, so stay tuned for some travel reporting and whatever else I decide to post.  See youz soon.

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