Thursday, September 5, 2024

Some Late Stories For Thursday

Now that I'm back from running around on a sunny and warm Thursday, here are a few things going on:

From National Review, the U.S. secures a deal with Nicaragua, under which it will send Christians and other political prisoners to Guatemala.

From FrontpageMag, the truth about presidential candidate Vice President Harris.

From Townhall, why former President Trump wants to give Harris a MAGA hat.

From The Washington Free Beacon, while Harris claims to have supported increased oil drilling as vice president, her administration's records say otherwise.

From Washington Examiner, the Department of Justice rejects First Son Hunter Biden's offer to plead guilty to tax charges.

From The Federalist, Harris tries to woo the corporation U.S. Steel after pushing policies that hurt the American steel industry.

From American Thinker, how did a 20-year-old would-be assassin outsmart the Secret Service, the Pennsylvania state police, and the Butler, PA local police?

From MRCTV, a video shows a Department of Justice official admitting that the prosecutions of Trump are a "travesty of justice".

From NewsBusters, the worst censorship during August.

From TCW Defending Freedom, if sunscreen is effective, why are there more cases of skin cancer?

From Snouts in the Trough, how have we been gaslit?

From RAIR Foundation USA, why is an imam who was arrested for alleged kidnapping and who threatened the end of Jews still employed at a hospital in New Jersey?

From the Daily Mail, a gunman shoots at cops, thus making his last mistake, near an Israeli consulate building in Munich, Germany on the anniversary of the 1972 murder of Israeli Olympic athletes.

From Jewish News Syndicate, Israel has the right, not just to defend itself, but to win against Hamas.

From Gatestone Institute, Iran's new plan, after losing Gaza, is to take the West Bank.

From The Stream, the biggest issue in the upcoming election.

From The Daily Signal, the Biden-Harris administration restarts the "parole" program for illegal aliens.

From The American Conservative, the foreign policy establishment likes what it sees with the Democratic ticket of Vice President Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (D).

From BizPac Review, the man who some claim rigged the 2016 election for Trump now endorses Harris.

From The Daily Wire, CNN criticizes Harris for using the border wall built under Trump in her ads.

From the Daily Caller, the Biden administration privately wonders of Hamas even wants a ceasefire.  (What Hamas wants is the area between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River to be judenrein.)

From Breitbart, more on the man who according to some rigged the 2016 election endorsing Harris.

From Newsmax, the teenage suspect in the Georgia high school shooting denies making online threats.

And from the New York Post, if you've got $1.98 million lying around, you can own the house that made architect Frank Lloyd Wright famous.

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