Monday, September 23, 2024

Back To Sedona

As you can tell from the title, my previously undisclosed location is Sedona, Arizona.  I was here almost 10 years ago, which you can read about (and look at the pictures) in this blog's archive for November 2014.  As then, it's a great place to go hiking, but since it's September, the temperature is definitely warmer this time (but a dry heat, as the saying goes).  Some trails end at a road near where I'm staying, so I wandered on over and put my big feet to the ground.  Looking northward, here's what I saw.

Further down the trail and looking toward the northwest, I saw this.

I was impressed by this rock formation off in the distance.

Here's what much of the trail looks like.  We sasquatches are supposed to walk through forests, even though this one is quite different from those back home.

Wherever you plant your feet, watch out for the rocks.  I figure that an ankle or two has been sprained in this hiking area.

That's all for now.  Stay tuned for more exploration in Arizona.

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