Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Wednesday Wanderings From A Wandering Sasquatch

Earlier today, I made my way down to eastern Virginia, to an area where I've previously spent some time and have grown to like.  There will be more on my undisclosed location later.  Meanwhile, here are some things going on:

From National Review, former President Trump and his fellow Republicans should treat Vice President Harris as a cautionary tale.

From FrontpageMag, killing democracy is the only thing that can save the Democrats.  (The article notes, correctly in my opinion, that Democrats define "democracy" as members of their party winning elections.)

From Townhall, is this the reason why President Biden's family doesn't want him to drop out of the presidential race?

From The Washington Free Beacon, congresscritter Don Beyer (D-VA) compares Biden to Jesus.

From the Washington Examiner, more Democrats call for Biden to drop out.

From The Federalist, the Supreme Court sends "get Trump" lawfare cases into a tailspin.

From American Thinker, the un-American attacks against WNBA rookie Caitlin Clark.

From MRCTV, in an operation that took over a month, U.S. marshals found 200 missing children.

From NewsBusters, MSNBC didn't like the Supreme Court case which overturned the Chevron doctrine.

From Canada Free Press, the case which overturned the Chevron doctrine is related to another case.

From TeleSUR, gangs in Haiti continue to attack police stations.

From TCW Defending Freedom, why is there outrage over rapists only when they're white?

From Gatestone Institute, a selected list of "big lies about Israel".

From The Stream, this year's "pride month" ends with a whimper.

From The Daily Signal, happy Independence Day, America.

From The American Conservative, one of my former governors is blowing his race for Senator.

From The Western Journal, the White House scrambles to respond to a report in The New York Times that Biden is seriously considering dropping out.  (The article links to the story in TNYT, but you'll have to register if you want to read it.)

From BizPac Review, podcaster Megyn Kelly raves about a new book that exposes some skeletons in the Kennedy family's closet.

From The Daily Wire, a government report supports Trump's claim that illegal aliens are "taking black jobs".

From the Daily Caller, the sad truth which Biden is now realizing.

From the New York Post, New York City is preparing another round of giving pre-paid debit cards to illegal aliens.

From Breitbart, actress Kerry Washington claims that due to the Supreme Court decision on immunity, Trump could kill political opponents with no consequences, while BBC host David Aaronovitch calls on Biden to "have Trump murdered", later claiming that this idea was "satire".  (There's nothing quite like the "it was a joke" excuse.  Or do some people regard political assassination as acceptable when masterminded by a Democrat?)

From Newsmax, Biden vows to keep running for reelection.

And from the Genesius Times, in time for July 4th, the aforementioned Vice President Harris removes all those racist white stripes from the U.S. flag.  (This story, by the way, is real satire.)

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