Tuesday, July 30, 2024

A Traveling Sasquatch's Late Dozen

As I hang out in my undisclosed location, here are 12 things going on:

From FrontpageMag, for over 20 years, District Attorney/state Attorney General/Senator (D-Cal)/Vice President Harris has stood with criminals, not with their victims.

From Townhall, why does Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) want former President Trump to have a running mate other than Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH)?

From The Washington Free Beacon, according to an audit done by the Department of Justice in 2010, then-San Francisco District Attorney Harris misappropriated $5 million in federal grants to deal with border crimes.

From The Federalist, yes, Harris ran President Biden's efforts to increase illegal mass immigration.

From American Thinker, what's this about being "weird"?

From NewsBusters, according to MSNBC, Senator Vance wants people to have only "more white children".  (His wife Usha, the daughter of immigrants from India, and their three children might find this allegation a little bit strange.)

From TCW Defending Freedom, what the Hallett Inquiry into the U.K. government's handling of the coronavirus gets right, and what it gets wrong.

From Snouts in the Trough, things that the author of SitT used to believe, before he got a brain.

From The Times Of Israel, a synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA is vandalized with pro-Hamas graffiti.

From Allah's Willing Executioners, almost one in every 20 Syrians now lives in Germany, where they receive government benefits.  (If you read German, read the story at Jung Freiheit.)

From Gatestone Institute, Harris sees Palestinian statehood as the "only path" to solve the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians, but Palestinians see statehood as a step in destroying Israel.

And from The Stream, Trump and conservative faith communities form "an unlikely alliance".

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