Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sherpa 2010-2024

This might be the most unusual post that I've ever published.  I've made many obituary posts over the years, but not for any of our furry companions.  Sherpa was a dog that I have watched on YouTube since early 2022, who lived in the English county of Cornwall.  He was named after the people who live in the Himalayan regions of Nepal and Tibet, and are known for hauling supplies up Mount Everest, although not all of them are involved in such mountaineering.  According to a DNA test, he was half Siberian husky and half Alaskan malamute.

Sherpa's human (or "hooman", as it's sometimes spelled), known as Jamie, set up two channels, named Sherpa and Sherpa's Day, the latter being used for longer videos.  Jamie recorded their home life, interactions with friends, and travels around Great Britain.  He would often have Sherpa pose in front of a landmark such as a cathedral or a statue, and get a still photo.  They were successful enough online that from time to time, they would encounter people who recognized them from their videos.  "Hey, it's Sherpa", we would sometimes hear.  Sherpa was very friendly and quite vocal, although he seemed to have lost his voice late in life.

When I started watching Sherpa, he was already several months past his 11th birthday, so I knew that he wouldn't be around for too much longer.  He lived a total of 13 years and 9 months, a pretty good run for a large breed dog.  I'll spare you the details, but earlier this month, his condition deteriorated to the point where putting him to sleep was the most merciful thing that could be done.  Since then, some tributes to him have been posted on YouTube, which shows that many people, of which I am merely one, have been saddened by his passing.  As someone noted in the YouTube comments, a dog will give you a thousand of your best days, and then one of your worst.  Too see Sherpa, click on the two links above and browse around.

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