Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lake Laura

Today I got a bit of sunshine and exercise around Lake Laura, which is within the limits of a place named Basye.  The lake extends roughly northeast to southwest, with a dam at the northeast end.  A short walk connects a parking lot to the top of the dam, which is seen here.

From the dam top, I took a lengthwise photo of the lake.  A marina for non-powered water craft is on the left.

I took a walk down the northwest side of the lake and took this shot of the its other side.  Two paddle boarders get some of their variety of exercise.

As I walked back toward the dam, I took a shot of the marina from a different angle.

Finally, here's the area below the dam, with some residential buildings in the near background and mountains farther away.

With my outing over with, it was time to head back to my undisclosed location in the middle of nowhere.

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