Thursday, July 25, 2024

Vandalism In Front Of Union Station

Earlier today during my wandering around, I got to pass through Union Station in Washington, D.C., where a bunch of anti-Israel protesters had defaced some nearby structures.  Although a cleaning crew had removed most of the damage, some of the vandalism could still be seen.  If you look closely, you can see it on this replica of the Liberty Bell.  One entrance of Union Station is in the background.

This is part of the base of a fountain, this side facing the Liberty Bell and including a bench.  You can read the graffiti "All Zionists are [bleep]s".

This is another side of the fountain, which forms a base under a statue of a lion.  Look closely and you can see the partially-erased graffiti.

Finally, the fountain includes this tall column.  I can't find any damage from this angle, but I'm only showing two sides of the column.  Again, Union Station appears in the background.

I could say a few things about the [bleep]s who did this, but it would be unprintable.  If Trump supporters were to anything like this, liberals would go into conniption fits, and rightly so.  For more on the vandalism, go to YahooNews, WJLA and NBC Washington.

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