Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sachs Covered Bridge

Sachs covered bridge is located about three miles from downtown Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and about five miles from the Mason-Dixon line.  It's thus not all that far from some covered bridges I've seen in Maryland.  But I must make the caveat that the five-mile distance north of the PA-MD state line is "as the crow flies".  If you travel as the road winds, on the other hand, the drive from the state line to the bridge is somewhat longer.  Used by both Union and Confederate troops during the Civil War, Sachs bridge is believed by some to be haunted.

The bridge spans a dammed section of Marsh Creek, and is oriented northeast to southwest.  Either end may be approached by road, but motor vehicles are blocked from entering.  In this shot of the southwest end and northwest side, you can see the wooden barriers which prevent cars from driving across, and two horizontally-extending series of openings on each side wall.

Looking through an opening on the northwest side, you can see part of the dammed-up creek and a modern bridge.

The southeast side is reflected by the dammed creek.

Adjacent the northeast end are a wheelchair ramp and more anti-car barriers.

The dam was just a short walk southeastward (and downstream) from the northeast end of the bridge.  There was a hiking trail near the southwest end, but it was too muddy to explore due to recent snow melt.

To find out more about Sachs covered bridge, go to BridgehunterWaymarkingExplorePAhistory  and American Folklore.

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