Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Wednesday Whatnot

On a sunny and very warm Wednesday, after I took yesterday off, here are some things going on:

From National Review, former President Trump's pick for vice president won't again be Mike Pence, but could be former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

From FrontpageMag, the left fears being exposed.

From Townhall, why Ukrainian President Zelensky, whose term just expired, has not stepped down.

From The Washington Free Beacon, Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) claims to have "always" sided with American workers, but voted twice to relax the "buy America" requirements.

From the Washington Examiner, meet Trump's "human printer" and social media filter.

From The Federalist, Trump should expose President Biden's extremism on abortion.

From American Thinker, the Washington, D.C. Board of Elections trains illegal aliens and "non-citizens" to vote in U.S. elections.

From MRCTV, according to court filings, DOJ and FBI personnel were authorized to use deadly force when raiding Trump's home at Mar-a-Lago.

From NewsBusters, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough mocks former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) having his own brand of coffee, but forgets that he had one, too.

From TeleSUR, at least 12 people are killed in a wave of violence in Acapulco, Mexico.

From TCW Defending Freedom, a limit on migrants is the U.K.'s only chance.

From Snouts in the Trough, don't be fooled by the "relative vs absolute risk" trick from Big Pharma.

From EuroNews, U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announces snap general elections on July 4th.

From Voice Of Europe, the new E.U. pact on migration and asylum faces new challenges.

From ReMix, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk blames Russia for recent fires in Poland and creates a commission to investigate alleged Russian influence.  (It looks like Poland has its own Russia collusion controversy.)

From Balkan Insight, survivors of the 1995 genocide in Srebrenica, Bosnia and Hercegovina await the U.N.'s vote on a resolution condemning it, while Bosnian Serbs oppose the resolution.

From The North Africa Post, the U.S. supports Morocco's efforts to mitigate climate change.  (How much carbon dioxide does Morocco emit?)

From The New Arab, who besides Hamas is fighting against the IDF in Gaza?

From Arutz Sheva, Hamas used an UNRWA school as a military compound.

From Allah's Willing Executioners, a primary school in Datteln, Germany is smeared with Islamist graffiti.  (If you read German, read the story at JouWatch.)

From The Jerusalem Post, a bakery in Sydney, Australia makes Hamas-themed cakes for a child's birthday.

From Gatestone Institute, almost 70 percent of the aid sent via the U.S.-built pier in Gaza has been stolen.

From The Stream, beware of misleading headlines.

From The Daily Signal, Republican Senators slam Senator Chuck Schumer's border bill.

From The American Conservative, a review of a memoir by black conservative Glenn Loury.

From The Western Journal, California Assemblyman Vince Fong (R) wins the special congressional election to replace former Speaker McCarthy (R-Cal).

From BizPac Review, the East Tennessee State University men's golf team watches as Delta Airlines workers manhandle their clubs.

From The Daily Wire, comedian Bill Maher compares Trump to the rock band Kiss.

From the Daily Caller, according to documents, the CIA blocked an investigation into First Son Hunter Biden's "sugar brother".

From the New York Postaccording to a lawsuit, Harvard University let antisemitism go unchecked.

From Breitbart, according to sports writer Jemele Hill, WNBA rookie Caitlyn Clark is gaining fame only because she's a straight white woman.

From Newsmax, Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel proposes that political advertisers must disclose their use of AI content in ads.

And from the Genesius Times, congresscritter AOC (D-NY) asks if socialism doesn't work, how did she get so rich fighting against income inequality?

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