Saturday, May 11, 2024

Saturday Stories

On a cool cloudy Saturday, here are some things going on:

From National Review, no, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley (R) is not on former President Trump's short list for vice president.

From FrontpageMag, one move shows that the push for electric vehicles is about making money, not saving the environment.

From Townhall, why two teenagers expelled from high school for wearing "blackface" were awarded $1 million.

From The Washington Free Beacon, President Xi (China) gains ground while President Biden (U.S.) stumbles.

From the Washington Examiner, the Biden campaign steps up its efforts to get old fogeys to abandon Trump.

From American Thinker, Democrats face "foreboding" parallels with 1968.

From NewsBusters, ABC omits important details about a State Department report on Israel.

From Canada Free Press, the counterproductive results of immigration.

From TeleSUR, Mexican weather gets very caliente.

From TCW Defending Freedom, photoshop is not the same thing as fakery.

From The Jerusalem Post, the U.N. apparently halves is estimation of the numbers of women and children killed in Gaza.

From North Press Agency, Syrian families leave the Hawl refugee camp and return to their home towns in the governorate of Deir ez-Zor.

From the Saudi Gazette, the Saudi Arabian foreign ministry welcomes the U.N.'s approval of full membership for Palestine.

From Hasht e Subh, why isn't there more religious tolerance in Afghanistan?  (The last three links are from publications in Muslim countries that didn't put anything out yesterday.  This is understandable because Friday is the weekly day of worship for Muslims.)

From Gatestone Institute, don't let anyone kid you, the Iranian mullahs desperately want nuclear weapons.

From The Stream, don't let the far left demoralize and sideline you.

From The Daily Signal, according to Senators Roger Marshall (R-KS) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), protesters who call for violence against Jews should be put on the no-fly list.

From The American Conservative, are the pro-HamasPalestinian protesters winning?

From BizPac Review, a CNN reporter gives Biden some more bad news.

From The Daily Wire, a solar storm brings the Northern Lights to much of the U.S.

From the Daily Caller, two packages of drugs, weighing a total of 29 pounds, are sent to an incorrect address in Maine.

From the New York Post, San Francisco's program for giving free alcohol to homeless people "isn't working".

From Breitbart, lawfare against Trump starts to crumble.

And from Newsmax, the Department of Justice asks for a 40-year sentence for the man who broke into former Speaker Pelosi's (D-Cal) home and assaulted her husband.

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