Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thursday Tidings, And Trump Is Found Guilty

On a sunny but slightly cool Thursday, after a hike through a forest, here are some things going on:

From National Review, President Biden's incompetence is literally pier-less.

From FrontpageMag, Hamas has stolen $500 million in aid intended for Gaza since October 7th.

From Townhall, what the president of Mickey D's said to American consumers in a "rare" open letter.

From The Washington Free Beacon, according to court records, a Chinese client of First Son Hunter Biden appealed to the Chinese Communist Party for help in a legal case.

From the Washington Examiner, what a hung jury in his hush money trial would mean for former President Trump.

From The Federalist, Judge Merchan's instructions to the jury prove that Trump's trial is about power, not law.

From American Thinker, Trump is right about the deportation of illegal aliens.

From MRCTV, outside of Trump's trial, right-wing new host Ben Bergquam asks left-wing news host Joy Reid if she stole Trump's haircut.

From NewsBusters, The New York Times can't deal with Senator John Fetterman's (D-PA) rightward shift.

From Canada Free Press, we are each called by "something bigger than ourselves".

From TeleSUR, the bodies of missionaries killed in Haiti are repatriated to the U.S.

From TCW Defending Freedom, what kept former U.K. politician Nigel Farage from addressing his country's Muslim problem?

From EuroNews, groundwater in Europe reportedly has "alarming" levels of contamination.

From Voice Of Europe, NATO does not have the air defense strength necessary to protect eastern Europe.

From ReMix, Hungary prepares to host its largest-ever pro-peace march.  (If you read Hungarian, read the story at Magyar Nemzet.)

From Balkan Insight, a journalist and two police officers are arrested for allegedly "creating false data".

From The North Africa Post, human rights watchdogs denounce Tunisia's repression of free speech.

From The New Arab, according to Iranian state TV, Saudi Arabia detained and expelled six Iranian journalists ahead of the Hajj.

From Arutz Sheva, Italian schools avoid teaching about the poet Dante because "he offends Islam".

From Gatestone Institute, Turkish school textbooks turn history on its head.

From The Stream, "how dare you?!"

From The Daily Signal, does President Biden have any plan to bring back the five Americans still held hostage by Hamas?

From The American Conservative, China is eating the U.S.'s diplomatic lunch.

From The Western Journal, Trump puts out a few "mean Tweets" as the verdict in his trial approaches.

From Axios, as I interrupt my usual series of sources, Trump has been found guilty.

From BizPac Review, why does an NBC journalist have a copy of the instructions to the jury, but the jurors themselves don't?

From The Daily Wire, more on the verdict.

From the Daily Caller, more on the verdict.

From the New York Post, what happens next.

From Breitbart, more on the verdict, and some reactions to it.

From Newsmax, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei praises American pro-HamasPalestinian protesters.

And from SFGate, a lake in California becomes so green that its color is visible from space.

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