Saturday, May 25, 2024

A Few Things For Saturday

On a very warm and mostly sunny Saturday, here are a few things going on:

From National Review, the U.S. wins its first international cricket series against a Top-Ten national team.

From FrontpageMag, the term "Unified Reich" in a commercial made allegedly in support of former President Trump was a hoax.

From Townhall, a video shows illegal aliens throwing rocks and sand at Border Patrol agents.

From The Washington Free Beacon, did Secretary of State Tony Blinken just kill international law?

From the Washington Examiner, U.S. military boats delivering aid to Gaza encounter rough seas.

From American Thinker, the Scottish National Party expels 13 members for stating the biological truth.

From NewsBusters, the media are Trump's main opponent.

From Canada Free Press, wherever you are, don't vote for the nonsense.

From TeleSUR, Venezuela inaugurates its first scanning electronic microscopy lab.

From TCW Defending Freedom, love and courtship among robots and AI.

From Gatestone Institute, an alarming report about the free world.

From The Stream, 300 churches in California baptize 12,000 new Christians.

From The Daily Signal, Christians coming to the defense of Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker force the NFL to walk back its criticism of him.

From The American Conservative, it's either us or them on manufacturing.

From The Western Journal, Trump brings former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley (R) into his fold.

And from the New York Post, please don't feed the bears, and for crying out loud, don't eat them.

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