Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday Stories

On a Sunday that lives up to its name, here are some things going on:

From National Review, President Biden gives his reason for dropping out of the presidential race.

From FrontpageMag, Vice President Harris's sister Maya defended the organization CAIR.

From Townhall, did Harris just steal former President Trump's proposal to eliminate tax on tips?

From The Washington Free Beacon, a review of a book co-written by Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch.

From the Washington Examiner, Harris is wrong on medical debt.

From American Thinker, if you're wondering what a Harris presidency would do to America, the past is prologue.

From NewsBusters, fifteen years of the media cheering for San Francisco District Attorney/California Attorney General/Senator (D-Cal)/Vice President Harris.

From Canada Free Press, "Kilroy was here", but "killjoy" Kamala Harris is here right now.

From TCW Defending Freedom, how the arts make our difficult times easier.

From The Times Of Israel, a man yelling "free Palestine" stabs a Jew in New York City.

From Gatestone Institute, Iran knows that it can't win a war against Israel.

From The Stream, the Massachusetts state legislature unanimously passes a bill to redefine the family.

From The Daily Signal, how attacks on our checks and balances threaten our republic.

And from The American Conservative, a salute to weirdness.

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