Monday, August 19, 2024

A Hike Along The Little Miami River

Today I took a rather short hike on the Little Miami Scenic Trail, which runs along the Little Miami River in southwestern Ohio.  (I hiked on another part of it Saturday, but didn't take any pictures.)  Most of the trail that I've seen looks not too different from this.

After a while, I saw this bridge, which is Interstate 71.  As happens when I hike a trail that intersects with a road, I can hear the road before I see it.

It's really two bridges, one for each of the road's two directions.

Back where I parked the Bigfootmobile, there was a place to see the river.  This is the Little Miami, looking south and downstream near Ohio Route 350.

This just goes to show that if you tell me to take a hike, I will.

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