Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Fort St. Clair Park

Today, I visited Fort St. Clair Park in Eaton, Ohio.  The fort, no longer present, was built in 1792 and named after Scottish-born Major General Arthur St. Clair, the first governor of the Northwest Territory.  The park currently includes this outdoor fireplace.

Near the fireplace is a cabin, made of wooden logs with some kind of plaster between them.

A nearby walkway goes through a covered bridge.

Just outside the park is this M4A3 Sherman tank, known as Miss Preble, after the Ohio county of Preble.

Here's a frontal shot of the tank.

Near the tank is another fireplace, this one with a tall chimney.

For more about Fort St. Clair, the current park, and Miss Preble, go to the City of Eaton's website, Ohio Exploration Society, Ohio History Connection and The Historical Marker Database.

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