Saturday, August 18, 2018

Another Update, And Saturday Stuff

First up, let me again update what's going on with Voice Of Europe.  Their Twitter feed now indicates that their activity will be pretty much back to normal in two days.  This means, of course, that I will again be relaying some of their posted links.  Until then, I can still look up stuff from some of their preferred sources, to include in my list of links.  With that in mind, here are some things going on:

From Deutsche Welle, Germany has no plan for dealing with space aliens.  (Do any countries have such plans?)

From The Telegraph, "has tourism killed Dubrovnik?"  (Having visited the city myself, perhaps I should accept a share of the blame.)

From the Middle East Monitor, the mayor of El Kram, Tunisia wants marriage between Muslim women and non-Muslim men to be banned.

From Hürriyet Daily News, several Turks react to U.S. sanctions by destroying dollar bills and their iphones.  (Didn't Hillary Clinton and/or some of her staffers do something similar a while back?)

From The Washington Free Beacon, a review of Rome: A History in Seven Sackings.

From the New York Post, Putin goes dancing in Austria.

From Check Your Fact, yes, the U.S. has the most military satellites currently in space.  (I don't know about Space Force personnel, but you could say that the hardware is in place.)

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