Saturday, December 17, 2022

Carbon Dioxide Emissions Data

In April of 2021, I retweeted a Tweet on Twitter which contained a graph from Our World in Data showing annual carbon dioxide emissions by each country.  For whatever reason, the account which Tweeted the graph got suspended, which resulted in the graph no longer being linked in my retweet.  Recently, however, the suspended account was restored, thus also restoring the link in the Tweet which I retweeted.  This means that I'm once again able to access the information contained in the link from OWiD.

The link contains a graph of yearly carbon dioxide emissions by country, which can be modified to include any country you want.  It can also be adjusted to show such data all the way back to 1800, but I've chosen to start with 1990.  The graph can be presented in either linear (as I have it) or logarithmic form.  The link also has buttons to present the data as a map or a table showing each country.

One reason I want to present the link on this blog is to have it for reference, in case the account I retweeted it from either gets suspended again or deactivated by its creator.  I like to point out that the world's national carbon dioxide emitter is not a Western country such as the U.S., but China, so I want to have the data on hand to back up my point.  So when climate activists glue themselves to roads or attack paintings in museums in Western countries, I can allege that they're barking up the wrong tree and instead should be protesting in front of Chinese embassies or consulates.

Here's the link.  Take a look at the data and modify the graph/table/map to your liking.

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