Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Two Items

Before I get to my regular list of links, I have two things that are "submitted for your approval", as Twilight Zone host Rod Serling used to say.

First, this video appeared on President Trump's YouTube channel this past September, which shows how some of former Vice President Biden's accusations against him are false.

Second, I have what could be regarded as an open letter to people on the left who have recently called for "unity":

Let me see if I understand this.  After four years of calling President Trump and his supporters "Nazis", "fascists", "white supremacists", "white nationalists" and other insulting terms, you now want "unity".  Let me point out first that by using these terms, you have not only shown your hate toward us, but you have also dishonored the memory of the victims of the real Nazis, fascists, white supremacists and other evil groups.  So if you really want unity, getting rid of these moral slurs would be a big help.

Here are some other suggestions, if you really want unity:

Acknowledge and accept Donald Trump's victory in the 2016 presidential election.  I'm not asking you to like the fact that he won, or to like him, but only to accept his victory as reality.  You should also stop talking about Russian collusion, unless you have some hard evidence to back up the allegation.

Discontinue and oppose any effort to punish Trump supporters for supporting him.  In other words, get rid of any "lists".  Recognize that supporting any president is a civil right, no matter who he or she is.  Treat Trump supporters the same as you would anyone else.

Denounce the rioting, looting, vandalism and other illegal activities by the organizations which call themselves Black Lives Matter and Antifa, and by anyone else.  When you do so, identify these organizations by name.  A general statement such as "we denounce all violence" is not sufficient.  If and when any more coronavirus-related restrictions on gatherings are imposed, call for these restrictions to be placed on BLM and Antifa, and any other protesters and rioters, to the same extent as with anyone else.

If and when you're willing to do all that, get back to us.

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