Thursday, December 17, 2020

A Reverse Scenario And Two Questions

The following can be thought of as an open letter to those who believe that former Vice President Biden legitimately won the 2020 presidential election, and as a thought experiment.

To everyone who has supported Biden or those who did not support him but regard him as the legitimate winner of this year's election, I would like to present a scenario and then two questions.

Let's imagine a role reversal and say that the following all happened:

Late during election Tuesday night and into early Wednesday morning, candidate Biden held a comfortable lead in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia.  In at least one of these states, the number of votes by which he led President Trump was in six figures.  Then starting around 8:00 or 9:00 a.m. and continuing for the next three days, all of these leads shifted from Biden to Trump.

In at least two of these four states, large mostly-Trump vote dumps reportedly occur during early Wednesday morning, after you went to bed but before you woke up to see the leads shifting from Biden to Trump.  There are also reports of vote-counters telling observers that they were going to stop for the night, after which the observers left the vote-counting areas, but instead continued counting votes after the observers left.  In one case, after the observers leave, a video shows containers full of ballots being taken out from under a table.  In another case, Democrat observers are not allowed to enter a vote-counting area, as vote-counters cheer their departure.

In Pennsylvania, more mail-in ballots are received than were sent out by the state.  Some have mail-in dates showing the same day as the date on which they were mailed out.  There are also reports of postal workers being told to back-date mail-in ballots which would otherwise have been received too late.

After the votes are counted, it is reported that Trump received fewer votes in most American metro areas than he did in 2016, but in Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia and Atlanta, which would have greatly affected the margins in their respective states, he received a lot more.

While Trump apparently wins the presidential vote, the Republicans lose seats in the House of Representatives and also lose state legislative chambers.  All of the "toss-up" House contests go to Democrat candidates.  Trump also wins only one bellwether county.

Thousands of people attend rallies for Biden, but only several dozen attend each Trump rally.

The media reveal a scandal involving either Donald Trump Jr. or Eric Trump which they had not reported on before the election.  After this revelation, some people who voted for Trump admit that they would not have voted for him had they known about this scandal.

With all that in mind, here are my questions:

If the above scenario were reality, with President Trump being reelected as the winner of the 2020 presidential election, would you accept his win as legitimate?

If the answer to the first question is "no", why should Trump supporters accept Biden as the legitimate winner?
The sad irony is that the Democrats may have created for President-elect Biden what they accuse President Trump of currently having, which is a presidency of dubious legitimacy.

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