Friday, September 20, 2019

Friday Fuss - Part 2

As a sunny and relatively cool Friday hangs around, here are some more things going on:

From National Review, what happens when the world no longer needs Saudi Arabia's oil?

From FrontpageMag, why no one is safe from Islamic jihad.

From Townhall, the number of abortions has dropped, but not for Planned Avoidance Of Parenthood.

From The Washington Free Beacon, fact checkers apparently don't want to re-investigate the question of congresscritter Ilhan Omar's marriages.

From the Washington Examiner, the Department of Homeland Security rolls out a policy naming white supremacists as a security threat.

From The Federalist, hearings expose how Senator Kamala Harris (D-Cal) used her prosecutorial power as state attorney general to benefit abortion businesses.

From American Thinker, congresscritter Matt Gaetz (R-FL) takes on "Reverend" and tax delinquent Al Sharpton.

From CNS News, "earth worship and climate confessions".

From LifeZette, a gun owner stands up to presidential candidate Bob O'Rourke.  (I refuse to use the nickname "Beto" because O'Rourke is no more Hispanic than I am.)

From NewsBusters, MSNBC hypes simulated hangings at climate protests.

From Canada Free Press, in Canada, the real racist is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

From CBC News, Canadian Liberals promise gun control.

From Global News, the Canadian Green Party proposes carbon-free public transit.

From CTV News, Ontario's Human Rights Commission unveils a new policy against racial profiling.

From China Daily, pre-born babies suffer the effects of air pollution.  (This article was linked by The Jakarta Post.)

From The Jakarta Post, after a public outcry, Indonesian President Joko Widodo calls for the country's House of Representatives to hold off passing revisions to its criminal code.  (The article does refer to a section of the bill dealing with consensual sex by unmarried couples.  Go to the third paragraph from the bottom.)

From The Straits Times, according to a U.N. climate report, the threat from ice caps and oceans will grow.  (Yet, a certain former U.S. president just bought a house on an island, whose elevation would be only a few feet above sea level.)

From the Borneo Post, police in Malaysia promise "stern action" against the supporters of terrorist groups.

From Free Malaysia Today, Malaysian police seize 12 tons of cocaine hidden in a coal shipment.

From The Mainichi, another typhoon heads toward Japan.

From The Stream, killing the pre-born while confessing sins to plants.

From the Daily Caller, the "meltdown edition" from today's climate change protest.

From Fox News, underground continent-sized masses of rock could be as old as the earth itself.

From the New York Post, the NYPD cop who protected El Chapo's wife, in jail for dealing cocaine, gives an interview.

From Numbers USA, the U.S. and El Salvador reach a deal about asylum.

From WPVI-TV, one person is in custody after crashing his SUV through a mall in Schaumburg, Illinois.

And from CNN, New York's Mr. Bill drops out of the 2020 presidential race.


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