Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Some Stuff From A Traveling Sasquatch

Today I drove down to Virginia to visit some family members, so the blogging will be light for the next few days.  While I have a bit of time, here are some things going on:

From National Review, let's take the political debates out of Thanksgiving.

From FrontpageMag, sanctuary cities continue to protect criminal aliens from ICE.

From Townhall, an old video of Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D-South Bend, IN) won't help his relationship with the black community.

From The Washington Free Beacon, noted vegan Senator Cory "Spartacus" Booker sounds evasive about pardoning turkeys or giving foreign turkeys asylum.

From the Washington Examiner, a bill from Senator Fake Cherokee (D-MA) would revoke the Medals of Honor given to soldiers who took part in the Wounded Knee massacre.

From The Federalist, how a Mexican drug cartel almost caused a war between the U.S. and Iran.

From American Thinker, with President Trump gaining support among black voters, Democrats are "terrified".

From CNS News, look at one group to whom Chik-fil-A donated.

From WayneDupree(dot)com, the president of Hobby Lobby won't cave to the liberal mob.  (via LifeZette)

From LifeZette, Mayor Pete "steals second" from Fauxcahontas.

From NewsBusters, liberals and media people (if you'll forgive the redundancy) lose their minds over Trump's "Rocky" Tweet.

From Canada Free Press, how is all that toxic waste from solar panels working out?

From BBC News, seven Islamists are sentenced to death for a 2016 terror attack on a cafe in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

From Gatestone Institute, China attempts to replace U.S. influence in the Middle East.

From StepFeed, a teenager talks about China's treatment of Muslims.

From The Conservative Woman, the U.K. Conservative election manifesto shows Prime Minister Johnson's betrayal on mass immigration.

From Legal Insurrection, U.K. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn declines to apologize for anti-Semitism in his party.

From The Stream, why are pro-choice people bothered by pictures of what they call "clumps of cells"?

From Reason, President Trump has authorized $16 billion in farm bailouts this year.

From the Daily Caller, media outlets don't say much about Melania Trump winning over the crowd that booed her at a youth opioid summit.

From Axios, Twitter stops deleting the accounts of deceased users, until they can be memorialized.

From Sport Illustrated, a look at Virginia Tech defensive coordinator Bud Foster's decision to retire.

And from Twitchy, the Democratic candidate who proposes many trillions of dollars in new spending worries about the national debt.

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