Sunday, September 15, 2019

Goodbye, Kel Fritzi

I've been saddened to learn that a fellow blogger who was very active on BlogTalkRadio passed away in August.  Known as Kel Fritzi, she had her own BTR network Red Fox Blogger, and was one of the rotating hosts on the network Global Patriot Radio.  Besides her regular duties, she very often sat in with other hosts.  Because Kel was Canadian, and joined in on shows hosted by Americans and British BTR users, I thought of her as someone who held the platform's Anglosphere together.

Kel was a solid conservative and a defender of the West from radical Islam, and was no mere keyboard warrior.  She traveled to England to take part in an EDL demonstration, and to give moral support to another BTR host who was in legal trouble for allegedly harassing a Muslim on social media.  I don't think that Kel was an Islamophobe, because she didn't fear Islam.  Instead, I wouldn't have blamed it for fearing her.  (Her speech at the EDL demonstration is included in another tribute to Kel, at Holger Awakens.)  She was also no fan of her country's prime minister, whom she called the "shiny pony".

Because I don't call in very often to BTR shows, I rarely talked to her directly but mainly communicated with her in the chat rooms.  My main contribution to her show came about because of the solar eclipse of August 2017.  I was in eastern Tennessee in the path of totality, which occurred at my location during her show, so I called in with what you could call a report from the field.  We chatted for a while as the moon started passing in front of the sun, before resuming our respective activities.

Besides being an impressive speaker, Kel also had a rather nice singing voice, which we listeners heard when she sang O Canada.  I was able to find these two pictures of her.  For someone in her fifties, she was still, in my humble opinion, pleasant to look at.  As you can see, she didn't call herself "red" for nothing.

Kel will be missed by her friends in the blogosphere and by the people in her life.  Like BTR hosts in general, she ended her shows with a song.  Most of the time, hers was Fox On The Run by the Sweet.  Thus, I end this post the same way.

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