Monday, December 11, 2017

More Stuff For Monday

Besides today's failed suicide bombing in New York, here are some things going on:

From Voice Of Europe, Mateusz Morawiecki, designated to succeed Beata Szydło as Poland's prime minister, defends his country's right to decide whether to accept refugees.

From The Guardian, E.U. council president Donald Tusk (of Poland) suggests that mandatory refugee quotas should be scrapped.

From Crux, religious leaders in Malawi oppose their government's proposed law which would allow for more abortions.  (via LifeNews)

From Middle East Eye, Iraqi troops and members of the Syrian Democratic Forces meet to discuss border security.

From FrontpageMag, President Trump's enforcement of immigration law benefits American workers.

From New Europe, Denmark is approving fewer asylum applications.

From Sputnik International, Sweden's Skåne County tries to get immigrants to integrate.

From The Local SE, unaccompanied minors migrating to Sweden risk falling through the cracks.

From Russia Today, police in London carry out a chemical attack drill at the Israeli embassy.

From the Express, Russian President Vladimir Putin orders his troops to start leaving Syria.

From the Prague Daily Monitor, the Visegrad 4 undertake an effort to protect the Libyan border.

From Townhall, the "awesome power" of not caring about what liberals think.

From the New York Post, Uber and Lyft refund riders over dynamic pricing after this morning's suicide bombing attempt.

From the Daily Sun, the subway bombing suspect reportedly "always looked angry".

From Premier Christian Radio, Islamic militants attack Christian children in their home.

From The Daily Signal, the Senate should join the House in closing special interest loopholes.

From The Sydney Morning Herald, Australian scientists have sequenced the DNA of the extinct Tasmanian tiger.

And from The Babylon Bee, a church in Mississippi finds a way to deal with people who arrive late.  (This is satire, but if you ask me, not a bad idea.)

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