Friday, October 27, 2017

Catalonia Declares Independence, And Other Stories

The parliament of Catalonia has declared independence from Spain.  Regional leader Carlos Puigdemont called the action "a long-desired step".  MP's from three parties walked out, thus boycotting the vote.  Spain's national government has warned that it will impose direct rule.

Read more at Russia Today, the Express, BBC News, Reuters, the Financial Times and The Telegraph.

Other things going on out there:

From Cambridge News, about 25 minutes before President Kennedy was shot, that very organization received a mysterious phone call.  (via the New York Post)

From Philly(dot)com, beware Mischief Night.

From Info Security, beware the robot vacuum cleaner.

From ABC News, the selection of a Montana company to help restore Puerto Rico's power did not involve the Trump administration.

From Voice Of Europe, a Dutch politician writes a "resistance manual" against Islamization.

From Breitbart Jerusalem, the Dutch government admits that their technology might have helped three countries develop WMD.

From The Local SE, in Sweden, a police dog wins a national award, after finding a lost six-year-old girl.

From The Local CH, the number of billionaires in the world has increased 15 percent since 2015.

From The Old Continent, in Germany, a former policeman says "politicians endanger us".

From the Daily Mail, in Lancashire, England, Muslims are expected to boycott school lunches because of a ban on halal meat.

From the Birmingham Mail, British police have arrested a would-be suicide bomber (with video).

From the NL Times, one third of the European jihadists who went to Syria are back in Europe.

From Russia Today, "scores" of French jihadists received welfare benefits while fighting alongside ISIS.

From the Express, United Kingdom officials predict their country having a population of 70 million in 2030.

From FrontpageMag, at a tournament in Abu Dhabi, Israeli judokas don't get to see their flag or hear their national anthem.

From Townhall, we've got a "disconnect".

From the Sporting News, ESPN staffers are facing another round of layoffs.  (One sporting outlet reporting bad news about another?  I won't fault anyone for using some NaCl one this one.)

And from BGR, scientists don't know what flew by the Earth a few days ago.  (I'm not saying it's aliens, but who knows?)

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