Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Sports Announcer Pulled Because Of His Name

This post is about political correctness devolving into inanity.  According to Outkick The Coverage, MSESPN has removed one of their announcers for the upcoming football game between William & Mary and the University of Virginia because they think that his name will offend somebody.  That's right, his freaking name.  From OTK:
In a story that seems made for The Onion, but is actually true, according to multiple Outkick fans inside ESPN MSESPN decided to pull an Asian college football announcer named Robert Lee off the William and Mary at University of Virginia college football game because they were concerned that having an ASIAN FOOTBALL ANNOUNCER NAMED ROBERT LEE would be offensive to some viewers.
Did I mention that Robert Lee is Asian?
Is this even real life anymore? This might even be worse than MSESPN apologizing for the fantasy football slave draft a couple of weeks ago.
A fantasy slave draft?  Thankfully, I missed that one.  But seriously, anyone who is stupid enough to be offended by this man's name because it coincidentally resembles that of the Civil War general can go fly a kite, as far as I'm concerned.  Read the story at the above link, and also check out the reaction on Twitchy.

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